Mini Sessions

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Easter Mini Sessions

March 9th, 10th & 17th

Sunlynn Studios- Plainville, Connecticut

Mini Sessions are 15 minutes long, with a full online gallery where you get to choose the rights to 10 images.

Mini sessions are $199.00 per family, add in a set of grandparents for an additional $40.00!

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Mama & Me Studio Mini Sessions

March 9th, 10th & 17th

Sunlynn Studios- Plainville, Connecticut

Mini Sessions are 15 minutes long, with a full online gallery where you get to choose the rights to 10 images.

Mini sessions are $199.00 per family, add in a set of grandparents for an additional $40.00!

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Mama & Me Outdoor Mini Sessions

April 20th

Topsmead Forest- Litchfield CT

Mini Sessions are 15 minutes long, with a full online gallery where you get to choose the rights to 10 images.

Mini sessions are $199.00 per family, add in a set of grandparents for an additional $40.00!

**Rain plan will be moving Into the studio**

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Copyright Bailey Dailey Photography LLC